Friday, July 16, 2010

Is there any way out of a rental lease?

We have a 1-year lease. But the Realtor company (not the owners) are horrible in what they do. We have to wait weeks for things to get fixed after the initial complaint. Not only that, sometimes we have to call them and remind them that things haven't been fixed yet.

Also, my wife had to go to the hospital because of allergic reactions to the things in and around the house. We contacted them about the possibility of ending our lease, but there are stiff penalties. We are looking for the possibility of legal help, but is it worth it?Is there any way out of a rental lease?
You can see if they will let you break your lease, but beware you are still under a signed contract. You can submit a 30 day (this is a typical length but can vary) notice to the company. At which you have 30 days to vacate the premisses. In that 30 days the company then has the right to find a new tenant for your apartment. If they find a new tenant then you are free if not you are STILL responsible for the rent.

As for your wife's allergies, it is not the landlord or realtor's fault that she is allergic to items in the apartment, unless it is related to items like mold in which he is responsible to clean up. You best bet there is to find what is causing the allergies and remove the items if possible. Also do back check on previous renters to see if they had any animals or smoked. Residue could still be contained in the carpet and in other items throughout the house.

As for getting things fixed I would hound the company to get things fixed. It is there responsiblity to fix things within a timly manner. If you tell them today that something broke and they haven't fixed it by end of day tomorrow, call them back the following day saying it hasn't been fixed.Is there any way out of a rental lease?
Yes, forgo the deposit.
If you retain a lawyer to help you with this, not only will the same thing which happened to you not happen to someone else, you may be entitled to some form of settlement.
OK i learned this from a Realtor friend of mine. 88 out 100 houses are contaminated by toxins. They have a chemical test kit for houses and apartments. get one its like $60 $30 for the kit and $30 to have the results done. but if it does come up positive the apartment or house will be shut down and condemned til clean up is possible. for your wife you should have this kit as soon as possible. i have allergies to and this is how i got out of my lease cuz they found mold and myth chemical traces.
not there isnt...they can sue you for the whole could try to find new renters that will take over your payments (sublease), but somebody has to pay it or you are stuck....
well there may be bigger repurcussions than just forfieting your deposit, all depends on how your contract is written. every time you have a maintenance request call, but also put it in writing and keep a copy, in Ok where i am a landlord has 14 days to make repairs or the resident may pay for it them selves and withold up to 100.00 from the next rental payment - with verification of course. I say call your local court house and find where to pick up a copy of your states landlord tenant act. write a letter to the mgmt co. and state reasons that they may have been the ones to breach the contract, they have an obligation to you also, good luck.

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