Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How do you get out of a rental lease when you feel your health and child's health is at risk?

I moved from out of state for a new job only to discover the apartment I chose is located next to a nuclear plant, toxic dump landfill, and chemical plant. I am 7 months pregnant and have found startling statistics of rising cancer rates in the area and major complications from pregnancy related to the toxic zone. Anything I can do to get out of my lease and protect my health and my new baby's health? I signed a 13 month lease as of January of this year. Thanks!How do you get out of a rental lease when you feel your health and child's health is at risk?
If there is not a good reason why you did not know this information before, other than you just weren't aware, I don't really think there is a way to get out of the lease without paying what the lease asks for breaking it. Sometimes, there are loopholes for the first 30 days. You can see if you can sublease, or see if they are willing to only have you pay rent until they can find another renter. Or you can move, refuse to pay your rent and see if there is a class action law suit against the Nuclear plant, landfill and chemical plant that can pay your rent and all the costs associated with not paying your rent. (Go Erin Brochovich) Overall, I just don't think the apartment owners will be responsible for the fact there is a nuclear plant, landfill, etc... near their property. If anything, that has caused their property taxes to go way down and your rent to be comparably low.How do you get out of a rental lease when you feel your health and child's health is at risk?
First off get out of there, your baby's health and yours are the most important things. If you don't have a lot of money then go to a shelter or a church away from danger.

Talk with your landlord and see if you can get out of the lease agreement. Explain your concerns to him/her and see what happens. If that fails go to the local county courthouse and see if they can help. Talk to your local Church and see if they can help you out.

Good luck

May God bless you.
What? You didn't see these things when you first moved in?

Unless you can prove those stats and your rentalsman agrees, you're stuck.

Unless you can find someone to take over your lease, and then you go to talk to your landlord showing that you have found someone. They may let you out without penalty.
probably not if there is nothing wrong with the air or water that you can prove - most damage is caused by long term exposure to toxins, you and your child will most likely be just fine, just stay alert and let your doctor know your situation
As far as I know nothing.. pay the break a lease fee.

Call a lawyer, free consult thing - they may know something. good luck
There is very little you can do to get out of the lease. If there are DOCUMENTED severe health risks for the immediate area (read: your specific complex) you may be able to.

On the subject of a penalty: If you move out before your lease ends, the landlord has to make a reasonable attempt to re-lease the apartment. Starting on the DAY that he starts collecting rent from the next tenant, you are no longer liable for any rent (i.e. the landlord cannot ';double dip';).

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