Technically you are supposed to fulfill the lease, but if you break the lease and move out, no landlord is going to spend the money in lawyers to make you pay for it, if I was you, I would leave in a heart beat, but don't forget to say good bye to the landlord.How to I take my name off a rental lease?
it is up to the landlord. If he wants to be a nice guy, he'll let you out of it. But he has no obligation to release you from the legally binding commitment that you made.
If you can afford it, maybe offer an extra month's rent as an inducement.
okay srart bye evicting the peolpe that are in that house if they turn around and your not living there etc, when you leave if they trash the place you are reponsible because its under your name on the lease do you pay all of the utilities in your name have phone cable there under your name?? i would have them shut off if you just walk away from house and run back home they could run up huge phone cable bills and if the gas electric watter dont get payed if you leave your stuck with this and if you ever go too remt something else good luck geting them back on in your name etc. divorce or not your name is on that lease you sihned it for a certain amount of time did you pay security? if you leave you will never see it etc, you just cant dump a lease in somebody elses name its in your name you signed it like it or noot and you are reponsible for the others in that house on the rents too, a lease means you pay the rents what if your friends skip and your not there your liable for rents too, etf good luck in renting somethjing else in future your goonna ned it with court cost if these others, just baill etc!!
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