Monday, August 16, 2010

When purchasing a home in md can you get out of your rental lease?

No buying a home is not a reason to break a lease, you can ask your landlord what the penalty would be, at best they will keep your deposit...however they can make you repay the remaining months of your leaseWhen purchasing a home in md can you get out of your rental lease?
Buying a house is not a legal reason to break the lease without penalty.

The landlord can hold you liable for the rent until either your lease expires or a replacement tenant is found. The landlord can also hold you liable for any costs incurred due to your breach.

Your best bet is to try to negotiate a lease buy out or early termination. Generally, the tenant starts off by offering to pay 2-3 months rent in order to get out of the lease.When purchasing a home in md can you get out of your rental lease?
Unless it's specifically in the lease, then no.

No. Purchasing a home is not cause for ditching your rental lease. You are responsible for paying it, as per the contract you signed.

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